Monday, May 16, 2011

i.o.v. - another destructive century tape (1987)

I.O.V. also known as Intoxication Of Violence existed between 1986 and 1989.
This album is their only studio recording, which mixes '82 UK punk influences with some fast & noisy H/C. Most fast parts are really chaotic due to the lack of skills from the rythm section, still, it's a really good release.
According to some gig reports from the era, they were lately evolving to crossover/thrash metal, playing covers from Slayer and Metallica before calling it quits.
Gerri Duenas, the guitarist, did the cover drawing, he had a zine back then called "Blatant Underground" and he's pursuing nowadays a carreer doing classical oil painting.
info: Brave New World


Ross said...

pretty cool, man

Anonymous said...

THX for sharing

Anonymous said...

The link provided here
shows the IV Reich demo